Delicious New Music for 8 September 2023

On today’s menu, you’re going to find some delicious new music from Karen Harding, Myxi Bun, Roki, Theo Tams, Princess Goes, JEEN, Hannah May, Tom LeFLore, and Vinny Pereira.

Dig in and enjoy!

Karen Harding – Wrong Places

Liz Cass – Too Hot

Myxi Bun – Dying Flesh

Love the new song from Myxi Bun! It is great. The production work is beautiful too. It gives me big gothic church vibes.

Roki – The One

Theo Tams – Parallel Universe

Princess Goes – Blur


Hannah May – Higher Heights

Tom LeFLore – If You Were To Leave Me

Vinny Pereira – Suzie

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