Photo by Yana Yatsuk

teddy<3 explores unrequited devotion to the utmost degree in her newest single "In Spades"

Following the compelling release of the album’s first two singles, “True Love” and “Never Enough” teddy has given a taste of the album with a third gem titled “In Spades”.

Teddy Geiger, known as teddy, is set to release her upcoming album, “Teresa”, in November. The body of showcases a product of profound introspection during a three-month retreat in Madrid in 2019. In her own words, it was a journey of self-discovery that gave birth to the entirety of “Teresa.”

This enchanting track unveils itself slowly, as teddy reminisces, was conceived at a living room table in Spain. “This song began at the living room table in Spain with that lil bubbling intro synth, and then it just sat like that for a couple months, teddy says, “I would listen and enjoy discovering all the little melodies hidden in there. I ended up finishing it as a song when I was revisiting the sessions, while tracking stuff in NYC with my friend/close collaborator Evan Voytas. This song is about unrequited devotion to the utmost degree.”

Teddy’s vocals are a testament to her lyrical finesse, as her voice – soft yet powerful – navigates the song’s narrative of unrequited devotion. This song is a showcase of vocal control and emotional depth that invites listeners to explore the intricate layers her story.

The production of the song is a further example teddy’s ability to create an immersive sonic experience, as the intro synth and the subtle melodies that weave throughout the track create an atmosphere that envelops draws into the world she has crafted. teddy’s “In Spades” is a beautiful glimpse into what her album “Teresa” promises to be – an album of introspection, creativity, and musical excellence.

Connect with teddy: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

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