Sophie Mars captures the essence of a teenager’s emotional turmoil in her debut single

At just 17, Sophie Mars is kicking off her remarkable musical journey with her debut single, “Hate Me Too,” released today, is a brutally honest meditation on teenage life, encapsulating the confusion and hope that defines this pivotal stage.

Sophie’s journey into music wasn’t planned but rather an encounter. The budding musician found herself immersed in a recording session with the celebrated Chicago alt-rock band Veruca Salt. Intrigued not only by their performance but also by the studio mechanics, she struck up a friendship with their acclaimed producer Brad Wood. This connection sparked a musical partnership, resulting in the creation of “Hate Me Too.”

“Working with Sophie this summer was a series of beautiful little discoveries that built over the weeks into what became ‘Hate Me Too’,” Brad says a bout the first-time collaboration. “I think Sophie was learning the power of her own voice, the weight of her words, as she worked with us in the studio and that sense of discovery is baked into the song and arrangement. It’s thrilling and intimate. I can’t wait to hear what she does next.”

“Hate Me Too” explores the landscape of teenage angst, with reverberating chords and emotionally-drenched lyrics that delve into the painful aftermath of a breakup. Sophie’s unfiltered approach, avoiding external influences, gives the track a raw authenticity, sounding like lyrics torn straight from a diary.

The song captures the essence of a teenager’s emotional turmoil, making it relatable and poignant.

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