Eat This Music for National Acorn Squash Day - Eat This Music

Eat This Music for National Acorn Squash Day

Eat This Music
Eat This Music
Eat This Music for National Acorn Squash Day

This time on the program, you’re going to find some delicious new music from ISOxo & Ninajirachi, Luna Luna, Vallis Alps, edapollo & Mild Minds, Fat Dog, REBEL YELL, Foley, Gia Woods, Haiku Hands, Revenge Wife, Selin, Nathanial Paul, MARLON X RULLA, 360, Phantom Bay, Grrrl Gang, Stepmother, Concrete Surfers, The Tullamarines, Soft Punch, Joey Maxwell, Melanie Dyer, and Maya Lane.

Dig in and enjoy!

You can find a playlist of all the songs played on this program here and a selective list on Soundcloud (embedded below).

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