A Swift Farewell explore destructive habits and feelings of letting yourself down in their new single - Eat This Music

A Swift Farewell explore destructive habits and feelings of letting yourself down in their new single

A Swift Farewell is a four-piece pop punk band from Sydney, Australia, and although the band formed in 2019 – after Emma Mather (vocals) posted in a Facebook group about looking for band members – the band have somewhat made a name for themselves within the music scene already as one of the best new bands to keep an eye on. From that original post by Emma though; Ryo (Guitar), Dwayne (Drums) and Sarah (Bass) all volunteered and that is how the band A Swift Farewell was born!

Today sees the release of their brand new single, ‘The Fire‘. Speaking to Eat This Music on the release of their single, the band explain that the song is about dealing with destructive habits or addictions and letting yourself down because of the inability to get rid of them. “The theme of fire is used as a metaphor: destructive habits consume you like fire consumes a candle,” the band explain.

“Thank you! We wanted to make a song in which the contrast between happy music and sad lyrics was as emphasized as possible,” the band express on the release of their single. “If you think about it, the two best things about music are 1) it can be enjoyable and you can dance, sing (or mosh) along to it, 2) it can be really cathartic and relatable, helping you go through rough times. With “The Fire”, we tried to combine the two.”

The creative process for the single is pretty unusual for the band though. Essentially the four-piece wrote the song in March 2020 and was ready to record it, however, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the band weren’t able to go to a studio. “So instead, we decided to work on a whole concept for the visuals and the video,” the band reveal, “through zoom calls, we came up with the video idea.” And from there, as soon as the band were allowed outside, they booked the video shoot and the studio session. “Funnily enough, we shot the video first (with Amy McIntosh from The Beautiful Monument). So we had to shoot the performance playing along to a demo. Then we went to the studio (Keyword Audio) to record the song two weeks later,” they say.

“We just hope this song will help people see that if they’re dealing with destructive habits or addictions, they’re not alone,” the band tell Eat This Music about what they hope listeners take away from their newest song. “It’s especially easy to let yourself slip away at the moment,” they continue, “but it happens to all of us and there’s nothing to be ashamed about,” the band added: “No one is perfect. That’s for the lyrics. We hope the music is catchy enough to cheer people up though.”

“The amazing thing about music is that it’s universal. You don’t have to speak the language of a song for it to make you feel something. Being able to express feelings to people that wouldn’t normally understand you is so cool.”

A Swift Farewell are already working on new music, in fact, they tell Eat This Music that they “have a few songs written,” the band reveal what they have coming up next, “and we’re heading to the studio this week to start recording them.” In fact, the band’s plan is to consistently release cool music and videos until we are able to play shows again.

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