Eat This Music Interviews

What I’ve Been Listening To: NAHLI

On 13 September, British pop artist NAHLI released her debut EP ‘Therapy [Side A]’, a five-track body of work that explores multiple themes of human emotions. However, before you listen to the EP, NAHLI explains why she is a fan of Michael Jackson, Sisqo, and Queen, and what keeps her making music in the latest ‘What I’ve Been Listening To’ below.

What is on your ‘Must Listen To’ list and why?

“Whenever I’m feeling a little bit low, I listen to Michael Jackson’s ‘Smile’ because it makes me cry a bit more at first but then I smile through it and feel really new afterwards. Or, I whack on his ‘Dangerous’ album reeeeally loud and sing/dance my stress out and pretend I’m actually Michael on tour. It’s a real sight. Until my anxiety kicks in and I conjure up this idea that I’m on my own version of ‘The Truman Show’ and then it all calms down suddenly and I get a bit shifty and change the vibe to like…Enya or something.”

Which are your guilty pleasure songs?

“I really like Sisqo – Dance For Me. And I’m not even sorry.”

Which song would you have liked to feature on and why?

“I mean I think Bohemian Rhapsody would have been a cool feature. Queen ft. NAHLI. “SCARAMOOOOSE LEMME DO THE FANDANGOOOO” in my little Essex twang. Or have some sort of mental sing-off with Christina Aguilera in ‘Moulin Rouge’ – which by the way goes OFF on karaoke night.”

Which song of yours would you recommend to a first-time listener and why?

“That’s a tricky question because it really depends on what they’re going through at that particular time. I’d like to know whether they’re happy in their relationship, whether they’re single, and whether they miss an ex…and I guess I’d pick a song for them accordingly. My favourite one of them all has to be ‘Relapse’ because it meant so much to me to write it. My ex called me while I was in the studio asking me whether I wanted to go for a coffee and I walked back in the studio half enraged half confused…but also somehow uplifted. Such a muddle of emotions, but we used them and just wrote the song there and then while I was genuinely feeling all those things. Love that song. ”

What keeps you making music?

“The fact that I can use music as an outlet. I use music as medicine. I use it as art. I use it as an expression. I use it to nudge the people who did me wrong in a really fucking cool and exciting way. For example, my Dad will hear ‘Daddy Issues’ at some point and start to realise a few things. I’m just grateful to be able to turn painful experiences into beautiful therapeutic things for myself and others. The fact that people resonate with my words, they relate to my lyrics… is astounding to me. And pushes me constantly to do more. I love that feeling above any other.”


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